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1 Haziran 2011 Çarşamba

The Turkish art of Marbling: Ebru

Water...It represents purity, cleanliness and  limpidity. Few things are as miraculous.In my opinion, Ebru is one of them. Ebru is graceful, and powerful art. The art of Turkish marbling is called Ebru. Ebru means colorful in Turkish. Actually, no one knows exactly about when it started. There are different origins about Ebru however; most scholars believe that it originated in Bukhara, Turkestan. From there, it spread along the trades routes to Persia, India, Anatolia, and later to France, Italy and Holland. According to Ebru artists, —Ebru is the art of creating colorful pattern by Sprinkling and brushing color pigments on a pan of oily water and then transforming this pattern to paper. It is an art which cannot be learning by listening or reading.It is extremely difficult to do. I wish I learned it one day...

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