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18 Mayıs 2011 Çarşamba

Teachers are keys for students...

  • As you know, in the “concepts for today” book we mention about “teachers are keys for students”. I really appreciate this topic. Even though teachers are keys for students teachers can unlock the door or lock the door for the students. What does it mean that unlock and lock the door to the students? It means that, teachers can make the students loving the lessons or not. Teachers can change your thoughts and you can change your world. Good teachers are key for student achievement and success. Think about it, when we start going to school? The answer should be when we are so little as a 6 or 7 ages. Sometimes under these. Especially, in those ages we do not believe anyone except our teacher. Even though our mom or dad is a teacher, they are wrong about what they say...On the other hand there is a Chinese proverb says" Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself"...:)

1 yorum:

  1. Thanks for two of yours great comments and wishes.yes I am living in Cambodia but actually I am from Turkey.

    yours sincerely...

